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时间:16-09-18 栏目:墙绘新闻 作者:中国墙绘网 评论:0 点击: 2,463 次

作为一个自学成才的艺术家,Astro最初一直把创作的重心放在狂野而抽象的字体创作上。他凭借独到的艺术感觉把扭曲的线条和不稳定的形状结合起来,创造了一种独一无二的抽象艺术。 Astro喜欢研究微妙的阴影关系和光线变化,大胆运用富有冲击力的颜色,他的作品总是可以看到不同的透视深度。 这种源自内心的创作冲动使得Astro的作品总能够欺骗观众的眼睛。所以他的作品散发着扭曲平面的力量。二维的平整墙体被Astro绘制上壁画之后,突然拥有了三维的厚度。

Focusing on lettering and Wild style at first, this self-taught and passionate artist brings his knowledge and technique towards an abstract art which mixes curves and dynamic shapes. Astro has created his own world by exploiting the subtlety of shadows and lights, the strength of colours, and the perspective of depths.Thanks to the spontaneous and impulsive imprint which characterizes him, Astro deceives the viewer’s eye by distorting the flatness of facades and paintings, creating impressive optical illusions.

▽ 巨幅作品,huge graffiti

001-graffiti by astro

▽纵深感的透视,the perspective of depths

002-graffiti by astro

▽ 创作中的Astro,Astro on working

003-graffiti by astro

▽ 涂鸦细部,pattern

004-graffiti by astro

▽ 公交车上的涂鸦,graffiti on bus

005-graffiti by astro

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联系阿特斯墙绘:0592-6131033 厦门-福建地区专线:189 5000 0570

声明: 本文由墙绘新闻原创编译,转载请保留链接: 平面纵深,艺术家的街头涂鸦



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